Recently Sonakshi Sinha said that Hanuman Ji fetched the "Sanjeevani Booti" for Sita Mata and afterwards her reply is being circulated over social sites and she is being compared with Alia Bhatt IQ Level. What I think... 1. They are actresses and their job of field is acting and not the winning general knowledge competitions. We should only judge an actor on the basis of his/her acting skills, not for IQ level. 2. It is very important for a celebrity to be in highlights to attract the acting offers and to be in highlights he/she needs to do something which is either extra ordinary or extra silly. For a celebrity it is very hard to do something extra ordinary and get the public attention, hence they opt the second option and say something silly against which public go crazy and they calmly wait for the offers. So, before considering any celebrity fool and spreading it over social media sites, make sure you are wise enough to understand his/her trick.
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